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Product Id: JBL178Bracelet 8 inches in 4-5 mm white shell heishe, mahogany heishe and 6 mm silver coated flat pukalet. more..
Product Id: JBL179Bracelet 8 inches in 4-5 mm coco pukalet green and 4-5 mm white shell heishe. fashion jewelries high more..
Product Id: JBL412IBracelet 7.5 inches in white rose light pink. fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost more..
Product Id: JBL412JBracelet 7.5 inches in white rose pink. fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost price more..
Product Id: JBL582Bracelet 7" in whiterose, coco chips black & wood teardrop 10x15mm super bleach fashion jewelries hi more..
Product Id: JBL8141ABracelet 7.5 inches in 8 mm coco pukalet black marbleized white and lime-green marbleized turquoise more..
Product Id: JPA069cord anklet in black w/ wood burning on center fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost more..
Product Id: JPB019Elastic bracelet in 7-8 coco pukalet green, bleach white & black, limestone pink & whiterose fashion more..
Product Id: JPB0247-8mm pokalet in tiger, nat., white & black fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost pr more..
Product Id: JPB12587" elastic bracelet, 7-8 coco heishi bleach white, silver & blue green alternate w/ 4mm white clam h more..
Product Id: JPB2575 rows alternate in brown & tan fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost price fashion more..
Product Id: JPB449cut sigay bracelet fashion jewelries high quality products with low cost price fashion jewelries hig more..
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